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The world is changing and so are you. Do you know your new way forward?

Let's calm the confusion, explore possibilities, and co-create your new direction. Start the journey of your definition of success. Create magic and positive impact built on a foundation of purpose, values and trust.

Let me help you, your team and/or organization make meaningful and successful change. 

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Coaching Services

Coaching is a co-creative, transformational process to help you create values-aligned, sustained change with positive impact.


Personal Coaching

Re-define you.

Create your own way forward now.


Professional Coaching

Work with purpose.
Establish purpose, agency and direction in your work now.


Organizational Coaching
& Consulting

Strengthen your organization.

Build values-aligned, high-trust 

successful teams now.

Consulting Services

I work with non-profits and smaller organizations to provide consulting services that involves collaboration with team leaders, business owners, and HR professionals. I offer consulting services that align with and support individuals and organizations to move forward in a clear, authentic, and purposeful way.

Individual and team coaching

 Culture assessments

 People and recruitment services

 Administrative services

 Strategic planning review

Leadership development

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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

- Marianne Williamson

Let's Talk

What's next?

Book your FREE 30 minute zoom call to ask me any questions you may have and to see if we are a fit. I look forward to hearing from you!

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