"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
- Mary Oliver
Re-define You
Create change and make satisfying, meaningful and sustainable choices for yourself in all areas of your life.
Re-discover you. Define your own, unique way forward now.
Reconnect to Yourself
​As our lives change and evolve, so do we. Clarify who you are and what you yearn for in your life now to shape the future you envision.
Clarify Your Direction
When we are not sure where we are going, it's hard to know how to get 'there'. Getting clear on your goals and values will help put it all in focus.
Rekindle Your Inner Spark
Life can feel pretty mundane sometimes. We get up, go to work, come home and do it again. Find what lights your inner fire and brings you joy.
Stop With the Self-Sabotage
We all have little and big ways we sabotage ourselves. Learn about the inner and external blocks that hold you back and how they can become allies.
Build Supportive Relationships
Take stock of your relationships and consider which support and which drain you. Respectfully declutter existing relationships, and cultivate new ones.
Tame Your Overwhelm
Life can be abundant and also overwhelming. Even when it's all positive, it can still feel like too much. Create the lifestyle and pace you desire.
"I am.
Quite literally.
Obsessed with Maria."